Plastic Biosphere

3D Media

Plastic (Melted Water Bottles & Plastic Bags)

Life Size

October 2021


In reflection of usage of plastic and the way we’re trapped in this cycle of overconsumption, I created this piece using collected plastic water bottles and plastic bags. The upper head piece is made to look like a scene in nature with mountains in the distance and water at the front, framing and surrounding the person (me) in the middle. The idea is that we surround ourselves in a chemical and plastic world to fulfill market demands so much to the point that nature and everything around us is turning into plastic. The bottom portion of the piece is a crocheted net using plarn (plastic yarn) and represents the way our consumerism constricts and suffocates us. The way we use plastic and harming the environment has become a “net” that’s holding us back and trapping us in this artificial, plastic “biosphere.”