
Oil paint on canvas

Palette Knife, Brush

40” x 60”

June 2021

As vaccinations came out and the number of people being treated slowly increased, there also came the opposition. More often than not, there was much conflict in the elderly community on whether or not to get the vaccine as it could be potentially fatal. There are a variety of arguments for getting or not getting the vaccine, but it’s evident that the overarching feeling is that of concern, confusion, and desperation for a safe place/route. 

This painting is the third in the series of palette and brush paintings. Like before, the background is done with a palette knife while the characters are painted using brush work. In order to represent the interaction and dynamic between the elderly community and the doctors, the main figures are painted in careful detail with overall lighter hues contrasted against a dark background. Evidently, the emotions are reflective of the elderly community and the rest of the world as we hold our breaths in apprehension for the hope of getting better. In terms of colors, we come full circle back into the blue tones that once again brings us back to the monotonicity.